Alexandra Greenspan

Things you appreciate from traveling abroad

Disclaimer: I made this list on Friday as I waited at Bahnhof Flughafen (Zürich Airport train station) to reach the Google Zürich office after a four hour plane ride after arriving to the airport in Tel Aviv at 4am to make a 7am flight. And I was completely sleep deprived....

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The Future: 3D Printed Chess

We’re there guys. We did it. We’ve reached the future. That’s my best conclusion when I can say that I successfully 3D printed a chess set. Or maybe it’s because the chess set features a certain time-traveling alien’s friends and nemeses. That’s right. For my brother’s birthday, I 3D printed...

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3D Printing: An Addiction

This is a post I’ve been meaning to write up for a long time, but I had to wait until after I gave the presents to their respective recipients. You’ll understand soon enough. Basically, after those first green turtles, 3D printing became somewhat of an obsession. I had access to...

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Friday in Tel Aviv

After a day of clouds comes a day of blue skies. The sun burns my skin. Or tries to, and fails thanks to my dutiful application of sunscreen. Either way, it’s hot. Not swimming-through-the-heat kind of humid. Just hot. The kind of temperature that would have me running for the...

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3D Printing, Turtle-Style

This past Tuesday I 3D printed for the very first time! As the semester draws to a close, I realize that I need to utilize the awesome tools available to me, and decided to 3D print a birthday gift for my roommate Tanya, an avid turtle fan. Luckily, there are...

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